Run Coaching Agreement Form

CONGRATULATIONS on choosing Christy’s Run Coaching.  Whether you are new to running or want to take your running to the next level, Christy can help.

Please refer to the terms below to ensure our coaching relationship is successful.

Once you have read and understood the terms below, please ‘open form’, sign and date to confirm you agree.

  • I understand that Christy’s Run Coaching will provide me with a weekly training program based on my running needs and goals.

  • I understand that Christy will be available to emails and/or messages and will endeavour to respond within 24 hours of receiving your email or message. She will let you know ahead of time she is uncontactable for a planned vacation.

  • At any stage Christy is away at an event or taking leave, she will ensure your training plan is up to date for the time she is uncontactable. 

  • I agree that payment is required on the agreed start date and then payable each month on the same day.

  • If I do not pay each instalment of a payment plan on time, I understand my coaching may cease until my payments are up to date. 

  • I understand that the role of a run coach is to act as a supportive guide. The results that will stem from being coached will depend entirely on the responsibility of me acting on the training plan to see the results I desire.

  • I understand that running injuries can happen regardless of precautions taken with the training plan. Christy’s Run Coaching has no liability if this occurs and I will work with Christy to explain any discomforts early so she can adjust the training plan.

  • I acknowledge that Christy will provide the guidance and training plans for me to follow but it is solely up to me to follow the plan to see the best results.

  • I understand that I am able to terminate or discontinue the coaching relationship at any time with written notice to Christy.

  • If at any time I have a concern about the coaching experience, I will raise it with my coach in the first instance, either verbally or in writing. I understand that my coach requires healthy communication in order to provide me with a speedy resolution.

  • I understand the method of payment is via direct debit.